即便不Fork,你还可以关注(watch)该项目,甚至上升到个人“崇拜”(follow)。当然,本篇并不来讲怎么使用Git和Github,关于这方面的教程网络上已经足够多了。Github官方给出的帮助也非常有用。这篇博客就说说怎么给自己的博客加上“Fork me on Github”彩带。 许多开源项目的首页上,往往会有“Fork me on Github”这样...
即便不Fork,你还可以关注(watch)该项目,甚至上升到个人“崇拜”(follow)。当然,本篇并不来讲怎么使用Git和Github,关于这方面的教程网络上已经足够多了。Github官方给出的帮助也非常有用。这篇博客就说说怎么给自己的博客加上“Fork me on Github”彩带。 许多开源项目的首页上,往往会有“Fork me on Github”这样...
= { $cell: true, $components: [ // My App { class: "list", $components: [{ $type: "h1", $text: "Hello World" }, { $type: "p", $text: "This is an example app" }] }, // Fork Me on Github ForkMe("https://github.com/intercellular/forkme") ] } About "Fork Me on...
首先,右上角插入“Fork me on Github”! 打开我的博客——>管理——>设置,找到“页首 HTML 代码”,复制文末代码加进去就行。 第一行换成你的github地址即可。博主还没在github上传过代码,所以随便写一个。。 然后是鼠标点击效果。同样在“页首 HTML 代码”进行设置,复制文末代码加入。 要提醒的是:鼠标点击...
在网上浏览博客时经常看到页面的右上角或左上角有一个fork me on github的按钮,本文将介绍如何实现。 1、效果展示 右上角截图 right 左上角截图 left 2、实现 2.1、样式挑选 点我跳转挑选你自己喜欢的样式。 2.2、next主题实现 打开文件:hexo博客根目录\themes\next\layout\_layout.swig找到如下代码块 ...
GitHub Corners Phew, GitHub is over ten years old now... and is unquestionably synonymous with open source. After 10 years, those GitHub ribbons are more than overdue for a cleaner, more modern alternative.This is my take. By using SVG, these corners can be clean and sharp. Any color, ...
Syncing your fork only updates your local copy of the repository. To update your fork on GitHub.com, you mustpush your changes. Help us make these docs great! All GitHub docs are open source. See something that's wrong or unclear? Submit a pull request. ...
Tip Syncing your fork only updates your local copy of the repository. To update your fork on GitHub.com, you mustpush your changes. All GitHub docs are open source. See something that's wrong or unclear? Submit a pull request.
On GitHub, navigate to the main page of the forked repository that you want to sync with the upstream repository. Above the list of files, select the Sync fork dropdown menu. Review the details about the commits from the upstream repository, then click Update branch. If the changes from th...