With blame view you can find the last commit which changed a particular file line. Feature Overview Basic features Fetch, pull, push Commit, amend Create and delete branches and tags Create and delete remote repos Checkout branch or revision ...
Fork a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows License $59 99 Personal and commercial use One-time purchase 1 user, up to 3 machines at a time Buy Fork
New Update git to 2.43.4 Improved Add tooltip with byte size to binary diff view Improved Show a proper diff for binary to LFS changes and vice versa Fixed Create and Push button can be clicked twice in Create Tag window Fixed Error message on the submodule diff view in some cases...
【Fork:快速友好的git客户端,值得一试】“Fork - a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows” http://t.cn/RX7BILn #git#
本文是使用图形化的 Git 工具 Fork (windows端)与远程仓库 Github 连接方法 Fork - a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows (git-fork.com)Step1 生成 SSH 秘钥在软件左上角 "File->Configu…
左边远程,右边本地。官方:Fork - a fast and friendly git client for Mac and Windows 复杂异常冲突简单的解决方式: git reset --hard 回退到早前版本 再git pull Abort中止Merge pull Rebase instead of merge变基而不是合并:用Rebase不用Merge,大致就是不保留分支的提交记录,始终只有Master一条线 ...
Fork now allows for a more intuitive way to merge and rebase branches – drag & drop. Use the mouse to drag a branch on the sidebar into another branch, and choose whether to merge or rebase from the resulting popover. Ability to create pull requests for GitHub, Bitbucket, GitLab, Azure...
Forkis a fast and friendly git client. Basic features:Fetch, pull, push | Commit, amend | Create and delete branches and tags | Create and delete remote repos | Checkout branch or revision | Cherry-pick, revert | Merge, rebase | Stashes | Submodules ...
Fast and friendly git client. Fork is getting better and better day after day and we are happy to share our results with you. Commit List – Working Directory Changes – Side by Side Diff – Repository Manager Summary and Statistics
Fork for Mac是一款强大的Git客户端软件,专为Mac操作系统设计。它提供了直观的用户界面和丰富的功能,使得Git的版本控制和团队协作变得更加简单和高效。 File size: 52 MB Fast and friendly git client. Fork is getting better and better day after day and we are happy to share our results with you. Com...