the drinks at Three Dots can be the size of your head, so they are best shared. While I’ve known Demetri for over a decade it was also nice to chat with Marne. One of the amazing things she does is put together “goodie bags” for homeless people. This is a gallon ziplock ...
wire tap, which was eventually ruled unlawful by the judge. But a media frenzy, public outrage and a fight for justice was not enough to give them the only thing they truly wanted, their jobs back and to return to the work they loved. To this day, the full story has never been told...
The Papermight be the least well-known and least-seen movie Ron Howard directed in the ’90s. (His bigger hits of the period includeBackdraft,Apollo 13, andRansom.) It might also be his best work of the decade, a lively ensemble piece about the inner-workings of a big-city newspaper. ...
The end of the decade didn’t slow Crawford’s career one bit — she became the face of Pepsi in the early ’90s and even stunned dressed as George Washington on the cover ofGeorge Magazine. Crawford retired from full-time modeling in 2000, and these days focuses on her philanthropic work...
Which – as Stone & Parker have repeatedly pointed out – was just not supposed to happen. Largely because none of the celebrities who appeared in “Your Studio & You” had never signed releases for Universal’s legal department. Because – again – this was for a movie that was only goin...
Just think about all the restaurants across the Land of Enchantment which have been unable to sustain a consistent customer base over time. Their success or failure can be attributed to many factors: insufficient capital to cover operating costs; location, location, location; competition from chains...
It looks like it will be tomorrow at the earliest that I make my full blog post about the latest attempt on the life of de facto Third Party President Donald Trump. So here's a much lighter topic. AGATHA ALL ALONG SCREWS UP BIG-TIME - Hey, I enjoyed the
Well acted as they are, these scenes do have a tendency of stopping the movie dead and are as pointless as they are pretentious, except perhaps making you wish you could also watch a movie starring Klaus Kinski as the Marquis where he gets to speak actual dialogue beyond snippets of ...
A forgotten meeting on grim streets; The dark, quirky movie Death Watch captured a grittier Glasgow - and set several great careers in motionHannah McGill
he invented what was more or less the first movie projector in his zoopraxiscope, showing the first film of “The Horse in Motion” in the fall of 1879 to Stanford and a select group. As one reported noted of this first movie screening, “Nothing was wanting but the clatter of hoofs u...