– YHVH God is just. He will handle the unfair situation for you in his own timing. YHVH God himself requires repentance to forgive. So, forgive, and to respond to true repentance of others. If they have not repented yet, then have the forgiveness already in your heart, and be ready ...
Political amalgamation brought about a fusion of divine attributes; and latterly the emperor was adored as the symbol of manifest power, ruler and pontiff; he was the visible image of supreme authority. This régime was easily accepted by the simple unsophisticated paganism of Europe. The Romans,...
The town of Brookings, Oregon, forgives a Japanese fighter pilot who bombed them in WW2 — he offers them a 400-year sword as a symbol of his goodwill, which is still displayed in this town as a sign of their friendship. May 17, 1981 ...
set out to find a solution for world suffering in northern India, or present-day Nepal. After attaining enlightenment through meditation and analysis, he was elevated to the Buddha. The original teaching of Gautama is the core ofBuddhism, known as Theravada Buddhism, which was limited to a sma...