Describe the bug Every time I try and load any version of 1.20.1 Forge it does the fatal signal 6 thing. Im just trying to play little tiles for 1.20.1 but I've had no luck because it keeps crashing. The log file and images/videos I don'...
Minecraft Version: 1.20.2, 1.20.1, 1.20, 1.19.4, didn't test further back. Forge Version: 48.0.40 down to at least 45.2.0, didn't test further back Logs: First start; fresh install: Second start:
The problem with map mods is, VoxelMap has - by far - the best way to detect when you switch worlds and not mess up maps. However, Forge and Liteloader have different ways of interfacing code with Minecraft, which basically means most forge mods will work with different sub-versions of ...
Intent intent = new Intent(mContext, JavaGUILauncherActivity.class); ForgeUtils.addAutoInstallArgs(intent, mDestinationFile, true); // since it's a user-invoked install, we want to create a new profile mContext.startActivity(intent); } @Override public void onInstallerNotAvailable() { mHand...
Add --flat argument to data generators to not create data in mod spec… June 3, 2020 16:57 .gitignore Add simple patch checker and cleanup patches (MinecraftForge#6851) July 6, 2020 14:30 CREDITS.txt Fix new launcher jar packaging. December 31, 2018 16:48 Jenkinsfile Update ...