ForgeProdLaunchHandler$Client.getMinecraftPaths( at SECURE-BOOTSTRAP/net.minecraftforge.fmlloader@1.20.4-49.0.4/net.minecraftforge.fml.loading.moddiscovery.MinecraftLocator.scanMods( at SECURE-BOOTSTRAP/net.minecraftforge.fmlloader@1.20.4-49.0.4/...
Minecraft Forge API is a great modloading tool that also helps players in making mods the whole Minecraft community can enjoy. It is incompatible with Modloader though, so don’t even try to play with both programs installed. Video & ScreenshotsHow...
在 PCL.ModDownloadLib._Closure$__36-0._Lambda$__7(LoaderTask`2 Task) 在 PCL.ModLoader.LoaderTask`2._Closure$__12-0._Lambda$__0() 在 PCL.ModDownloadLib.ForgeInjector( 分享回复1 minecraft吧 nihaoyx forge 安装好后不显示其他MOD只有默认的三个forge 安装好后不显示MODS 文件夹中的MOD只有默...
java.lang.IllegalStateException: GLFW error before init: [0x10008]Cocoa: Failed to find service port for display Somesay they have fixed this error using the argument-Dfml.earlyprogresswindow=false, but for me and severalothers, adding the argument just causes the GLFW error to display in a ...
MinecraftForge is a tool that helps you build mods. Forge is currently the most popular way to modify the game. Other mod-building tools, such as Bukkit or ModLoader, have either shut down or become obsolete. To getstarted with Forge, go tothe Minecraft Forge downloads page. As shown in...
Everytime i install the latest Forge or older i get this error when going into the titelscreen. This nolonger effects Vanilla client. I also apparently got 2 forge installed with one installer, none of them work. When starting modpacks from Modpack launchers, it simple has no problems. In...
See neoforged/FancyModLoader#172 for a list of changes. Additionally: Generally cleanup ModConfigSpec: add missing final on fields, and add nullability annotations. Document how ModConfigSpec stores its contents so that the next person to work on it doesn't need to spend hours understanding it...