玩一个forge居然..无法安装,地址变红上面一个框:the directory is missing a launcher profile.Please run the minecraft launcher first
无法安装,地址变红上面一个框:the directory is missing a launcher profile.Please run the minecraft launcher first 翻译:丢失了一个发射器配置 分享7赞 minecraft吧 virtua😈 新人,想问投影mod有forge版本吗?如题,想问问 分享6赞 我的世界吧 萨苏baby 如果我在1.7.10(forge差不多最新)中加入工业2,应用...
[17:18:25] [main/WARN]: Mod file /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/net.kdt.pojavlaunch/files/.minecraft/libraries/net/minecraftforge/javafmllanguage/1.20.1-47.3.12/javafmllanguage-1.20.1-47.3.12.jar is missing mods.toml file [17:18:25] [main/WARN]: Mod file /storage/emulated/0/Androi...
Am I missing something here? The JVM arg has to point to your libraries folder. So if you are using the portable there, try adding a \libraries How did you was able to run it? If I run that version i get: Exception caught from launcher java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException at ja...
If you are not getting an actual error, try giving the launcher some more time to load. Windows will sometimes identify the launcher as having crashed during the most resource intensive portions of the loading process due to the high resource requirements. ...
无法安装,地址变红上面一个框:the directory is missing a launcher profile.Please run the minecraft launcher first 翻译:丢失了一个发射器配置 分享7赞 minecraft吧 背负罪孽之人 新人求助,自己瞎整的mc崩溃了rt,因为找不到想要的整合所以自己瞎弄了一个整合,结果进入世界里本来好好的,用了个mod里的弓崩溃了...
If you are not getting an actual error, try giving the launcher some more time to load. Windows will sometimes identify the launcher as having crashed during the most resource intensive portions of the loading process due to the high resource requirements. ...
textureMap.getMissingSprite()■■■textureMap.getSprite(MissingTextureAtlasSprite.getLocation()) TextureMap.LOCATION_BLOCKS_TEXTURE■■■InventoryMenu.BLOCK_ATLAS EnumFacing#HORIZONTALS■■■Direction#BY_2D_DATA FMLCommonHandler.instance().getSide()■■■FMLEnvironment.dist NetworkRegistry.INSTANCE....
Forge Modloader (Not to be confused with Minecraft Forge) is an independent mod for Minecraft that helps a lot of other mods work. It aids in the
无法安装,地址变红上面一个框:the directory is missing a launcher profile.Please run the minecraft launcher first 翻译:丢失了一个发射器配置 分享7赞 minecraft吧 暗之夜空2014 我的世界forge版本是不是越高越好??? 分享8赞 minecraft吧 双鱼哇呜 我的世界安装了forge后启动游戏失败每次点启动游戏之后就会...