Any non-standard client/server/launcher build needs to be taken up with the appropriate team, not Mojang. A world which had previously been opened with a modified client might be corrupted. Please try reproducing the issue in a newly generated world. Any plugin issues need to be addressed to...
The executable path refers to a chain of files and folders that Forge and the Minecraft Launcher run. If you received exit code 1, it’s likely the fault of the Java path, especially if you installed Java rather than using the pre-included Minecraft version. However, the exit code should ...
2024/07/11 12:50:55 stderr at net.minecraftforge.server.ServerMain$Runner.runLauncher( 2024/07/11 12:50:55 stderr at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.main( 2024/07/11 12:50:55 stderr at cpw.mods.modlauncher.Launcher.( 2024/07/11 ...
直接1.8.9不用forge版的可以进 分享141 我的世界吧 玖夜血蔷薇 Minecraft java远古版生存 这里用的启动器是Pojavlauncher,它已经能在安卓上启动Minecraft电脑版最老的rd版本至最新的1.17测试版,支持1.6.1~1.16.5forge以及fabric,不过由于在华为设备上,pojavlauncher无法启动1.6以下的老版本,所以我把它放在vmos里...
Strangely, the actual error message did not get logged into the log or crash report file, but it does appear in Launcher's output, which is related to a missing Jackson module. main | Successfully made module authlib transformable GML Mappings Thread | Loaded runtime mappings in 1404ms GML ...
launcher main Downloaded to C:\Users\Caleb\Downloads\Install\versions\forge-40.0.13\forge-40.0.13.jar 17:26:24.428 launcher main Downloads successful 17:26:24.428 launcher main TIMER...
1. 2. 我们采用的是线程下载、也涉及到断点续传,那么就要涉及到数据库的操作,我们也在FileDownloader构造器定义了一个 fileService = new FileService(this.context);//对下载进度的管理、 看下数据库的结构如下: 如果之前下载过,但是没有下载完成,就存到数据库中,所以我们下载时候,进行判断 Map<Integer, Integer...
docs(docker): Update (#2327) @biancode Improve error handling and UI for launcher "offline" (#2318) @Steve-Mcl Explicitly upgrade to latest lottie and use new import style (#2322) @Pezmc Update no access graphic to proper one (#2319) @knolleary Feature: Setup "Default Palette...
1) 在 BMCLV2.Launcher.Launcher.<SetupLibraries>d__38.MoveNext() --- 引发异常的上一位置中堆栈跟踪的末尾 --- 在 System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw() 在 System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task) 在 BMCLV2.Launcher.Launcher...