这通常需要管理员权限,因为forge是一个可执行文件。 5. 启动minecraft,进入游戏设置。 6. 在设置中找到“mods”选项,勾选“enable mods”选项。 7. 在mods列表中,找到你想要安装的mod,点击它,然后在弹出的对话框中选择安装。 8. 安装完成后,你可以在游戏的设置中看到你刚刚安装的mod。 总之,使用forge可能会增...
RandomPatches is a mod that contains a bunch of miscellaneous patches for Minecraft. RandomPatches only contains features that require ASM transformers. Tweaks that don't require ASM transformers go in RandomTweaks, which I recommend as a companion mod. When installed on the client, RandomPatches sho...
Minecraft mod development framework used by Forge and FML for the gradle build system Java528LGPL-2.1447157UpdatedDec 28, 2024 EventBusPublic Event Bus Java40LGPL-2.13514UpdatedDec 25, 2024 MinecraftForgePublic Modifications to the Minecraft base files to assist in compatibility between mods. New Disc...
Due to this, anyone may have a hard time to figure out if a certain modloader is the best from the rest. However, it is believed that most mods made for Minecraft are all developed to function with Forge. This is surely one of the common modloaders used by a lot of people. If you...
https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/scape-and-run-parasites It's an insanely cool mod that inspired me to make the video! The modpack seen in "I Survived 100 Days in Hardcore Minecraft with Parasites by Forge Labs! HUGE THANKS to Bisect Hosting for providing me with a server to...
minecraftminecraft-modsminecraft-forge-modspractice-modsminecraft-recipe-change UpdatedMay 11, 2019 Java GrimCo's Loadout, the starting equipment mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 minecraftminecraft-modminecraft-forge-modmod-minecraftminecraft-forge-mods
Minecraft crashes upon startup: There are many reasons for this, but this issue often occurs when there is an issue with one of the mod files. Ensure that all mods and Forge are running the same game version, as well as confirm that any dependency mods are installed. If issues persist,...
这个的意思就是你这个mod的id,完全可以自定义,当你自定义后,修改resouses包下面的mods.toml文件,需要把mod_id修改为自己的mod_id 这里可以别急着修改,因为我们要把官方的演示包给删掉,就是java包下的一些包都可以删掉,然后新建包,名称可以自己指定,此处是三级,主类在guo这个包下,即主类Guo就在此包下新建如下...
第一步,打开模组的resources文件夹下面的mods.toml文件 第二步,修改里面的内容可以选择性的修改下面图片标红框的内容注意:modId:一定要全字母小写[[dependencies.examplemod]]:这里的examplemod对应的是modId 作者的示例图: 模组文件夹的创建: 第一步,我们先将项目里面的Example文件删除,如下图红色区域 ...