卧槽拆迁队 山中矿道 7 你打开的不是安装了forge的版本。。。在启动器里找找 或者安装forge的时候就出了问题 7楼2015-02-22 22:41 收起回复 新大陆云之 地下要塞 9 你这没装成功 来自Android客户端8楼2015-02-22 22:52 收起回复 寒冷年华_ 漫天星光 4 ...
Forge Download: [Downloads for Minecraft Forge for Minecraft 1.20.1](https://files.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/) 安装JAVA 直接打开安装即可,其中记得将JAVA_HOME配置勾选上 安装IDEA 直接打开安装即可。 安装MDK 解压MDK到你目录下,不要有英文呢。打开IDEA,选中Open,选择你解压的文件夹。 ...
xxx是你的网站主页后缀,如果后缀是.com(商业机构)就是com,如果后缀是其他的以此类推。(如原版minecraft的主页是http://minecraft.net,则使用net。)我们现在用com。 yourname是制作者/制作团体名称。由于我是单独制作mod,暂时定为sodium。(全小写!) modid是用于标识你的mod的唯一字符串。这里用tutorial。
Downloads for Minecraft Forge for Minecraft 1.20.1 进去选择 下载后解压到project文件夹里。 5,导入MDK。打开Eclipse。左上角File -> Import... -> Gradle -> Existing Gradle Project 接着在此处选择你的project文件夹 别在意为什么我的Finish是灰色的。。。
How to install mods for Minecraft Forge: 1.Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge with the steps above. 2.Download a Forge compatible mod from this site, or anywhere else! 3.Open Minecraft, click the ‘Mods’ button on the main menu, then click ‘Open Mods Folder’. ...
MinecraftForge Forge is a free, open-source modding API all of your favourite mods use! VersionSupport 1.20.x Active 1.19.x Legacy Download Forum Discord Documentation Installing Forge Go to the Forge website and select the Minecraft version you wish to get Forge for from the list. You can ...
pasting some mod files, however, as you will also need to have Minecraft Forge installed. This may become confusing for unfamiliar players, as there are multiple launchers and methods used to run mods. To remedy this, we have created this tutorial to guide you through the installation process...
Minecraft 練習用 minecraftminecraft-modsminecraft-forge-modspractice-modsminecraft-recipe-change UpdatedMay 11, 2019 Java GrimCo's Loadout, the starting equipment mod for Minecraft 1.12.2 minecraftminecraft-modminecraft-forge-modmod-minecraftminecraft-forge-mods ...