FileZilla: 利用FileZilla在电脑和Pi之间传输打开FileZilla主机填Pi的ip,用户名pi,密码raspberry,端口22,快速连接之后左边会列出电脑文件,右边列出Pi的文件,可以互相传输右边打开/home/pi目录在左边找到刚刚下载的java安装文件,拖到右边或右键上传到右边Putty(就刚刚...
点击右上角Current File -> Edit Configuration,再点击Add new,最后点击Gradle 在Run下面输入runClient,点击Apply,点击OK 3. 运行Mod 3.1 运行 点击右上角的运行按钮(绿色三角) 稍等片刻,就会发现Minecraft已经启动了 3.1 配置Minecraft 点击地球图标,选择简体中文,点击完成 点击Mods 这个Example Mod(你的可能不一...
Rotating an OAuth 2.0 client ID and secret Common issues with external authentication Runs on Atlassian Enterprise development Using Forge CLI on a corporate network Forge releases and deprecation policy Forge releases (includes enrolling in EAP) ...
Data residency Configuring app security Unlicensed user app access Scopes to call an Atlassian REST API Runtime egress permissions Content security and egress controls App context security External authentication overview Configuring OAuth 2.0 providers Rotating an OAuth 2.0 client ID and secret Common issu...
本吧热帖: 1-[公告]关于撤销 liuchanglurm 吧主管理权限的说明 2-这是为什么 3-大佬们救救孩子吧 4-forge1.20.1安装失败 5-求助forge下载成jar文件了 6-不会搞forge 7-这个怎么办啊 8-【精】自用的FORGE CollabNet gforge 等免费分享,永久可用。 9-求大佬指点下如何安装for
概览:于ForgeGradle 3.+版本运行runClient时无法加载资源,表现为模组信息(mcmod.info文件)无法加载,或纹理贴图文件无法加载。但是运行build并将生成的模组安装到游戏中时,又能够正常地加载模组信息和纹理贴图文件。 近期在学Forge模组的自制,在网上寻找教程学习时,发现现存长段成体系的模组教程中,可能由于1.12.2版本问...
This server has mods that require FML/Forge to be installed on the client error: If this error appears, it often means that you are attempting to join the server from a vanilla version. You can confirm this by checking if theModstab from the main menu appears. If not, return to your ...