This pull request makes CubicChunks able to run on Forge+Bukkit server environment while keeping normal Forge compatibility. Changes Split Forge mixins methods to a separate mixin class Add Bukkit side mixins Hybrid environment detection to apply mixins dynamically Include Spigot API dependency for so...
README GPL-3.0 license CatServer Minecraft 1.10.2 Forge+Bukkit服务端 开发/反馈QQ群: 801482055 构建 1.克隆: git clone 2.更新依赖模块: git submodule update --init --recursive 3.构建项目: ./gradlew build The server is based on SantaGitHub/SvarkaAbout...
上图为新生服务端-Sponge =目录= =1.原版服务端 -Minecraft官方服务端 -CraftBukkit(水桶服) -Spigot(水龙头服) -Paper(原名PaperSpigot) =2.Mod服务端 -Forge Server -KCauldron(原名Cauldron,MCPC+) -Sponge(海绵) 分享1231 minecraft吧 贴吧用户_5Z8AQbS 我的世界forge 到官网点击了下载链接之后弹出来这个...
错误代码:-1整合包FTB OceanBlock 1.11.0 JAVA 版本: 8u321 报错日志如下: MultiMC version: 0.6.14-3001 Launched instance in online mode resolves to: [] resolves to: [,,] ...
Can I use this server-side only without installing it on clients? Yes. Credits While most original structures from this mod were built by Aurelj, DiamondTown and Zephyrusj, we'd love to thank MercyWhistles and Wyll_ for letting us include some of their structures too. ...
This message is shown when playing on an online server. Server configs can only be edited by server operators. When doing so, they'll be synced back to the server and from there to all other clients. In singleplayer no warnings are shown and no syncing happens as everything is done loca...
Versions: Forge 1.12.2 and 1.15.2 FastFurnace Versions: Forge 1.12.2 - 1.19.2 FastWorkbench Versions: Forge 1.12.2 - 1.19.2 🗺️ Pre-Generating Your World 🗺️ World Pre Generator Mod World Pre Generator here Hereis our guide for installing mods on your server. ...
为了提供更好的服务器游玩体验,服务器往往需要添加一些插件,但这些插件往往基于一些没有原生 forge 兼容的 API,例如 Bukkit 和 Spigot。这时就有一些大佬开发了“混合端”,用来兼容 Forge 和其他 API。这里仅列出一些知名服务端,具体使用方法还需后续补充 / 自行查询。注意,这些服务端对 Java 的要求可能和纯 Forge...
Create a server, get 25% off your first month Create Server Description Dalek Mod is a mod that brings to world of Doctor Who into your Minecraft! With this mod, you can travel the universe using a fully functional TARDIS, travel to Minecraft's past, battle Daleks, Cybermen, and more!
Your Forge server will now start up with SpongeForge enabled! This will allow you to install a variety of Sponge plugins to your server, many of which aim to provide bukkit-like functionality.Downloading SpongeForge Plugins Head to the official SpongeForge plugin page and look for your desired...