More on Forex trading Product Guide A complete summary of all Swissquote Forex and CFD products with their corresponding trading conditions. View conditions Need to brush up on your Forex knowledge? Our education section will get you up to speed in no time!
外汇交易是同时买入一种货币并卖出另一种货币。当交易者在外汇市场交易时,是以货币对的形式买入或卖出的。随着一种货币相对于另一种货币的价值上涨或下跌,交易者决定买入或卖出货币以赚取利润。零售外汇交易者作为投机者参与外汇市场,希望从汇率波动中获利。 货币对中的每种货币均以三字母代码形式列出。前两个字母代...
The amount of currency converted every day can make price movements of some currencies extremely volatile – which is something to be aware of before you start forex trading.虽然很多外汇交易都是出于实际目的,但绝大多数货币兑换都是由外汇交易者进行的,目的是为了赚取利润。 每天兑换的货币数量可能会使...
Forex trading, currency exchange, currency trading is a growing sector. We provide the latest foreign exchange market resources, education & tools.
外汇交易(Forex Trading)是一项高风险的活动,需要投资者对外汇市场的了解和掌握,以下是一些做好外汇交易的方法: 1. 建立交易计划:制定一个合理的交易计划,包括交易目标、风险承受能力、交易策略和止损点,根据计划开展交易。 2. 学习市场分析:掌握市场分析技能,包括基本分析和技术分析。基本分析集中注意经济和政治的新闻...
• Enjoy a hands-on, fun approach to learning about Forex, stock trading, and the broader financial markets. • Gain essential trading knowledge, strategies, and tools that will set you up for success, whether you’re just starting or refining your trading skills. ...
Forex Trading Strategy & Education Foreign exchange (forex or FX) trading involves buying one currency and selling another while attempting to profit from the trade. According to the latest reliable data from 2022, global daily trading was $7.5 trillion, making forex trading the largest financial ...
Is Trading Forex Legal in the US? The Bottom Line By James Chen Updated November 01, 2024 Reviewed by Gordon Scott Fact checked by Michael Rosenston Part of the Series Forex Trading Strategy & Education Every second, about $850 million changes hands in the foreign exchange (forex or FX) ma...