Forex Strategy Based on Large Stop-Losses Keltner Scalping System Ultra-Short Term Forex Trading Strategy GBP/USD Open Market Strategy Hamilton Forex System 1m trend strategy You can help thousands improve their trading! Who's online There are currently6 usersonline. ...
self.renko_size: float = None self.stop_loss_price: float = None self.lots: float = 0 def on_init(self, symbol_info: SymbolInfo, strategy_direct: StrategyDirect): self.strategy_direct = strategy_direct self.symbol_info = symbol_info self.lots = self.symbol_info.volume_min self.renko_...
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Want to learn a simple breakout strategy that deliveries profit month after month? You've come to the right place. Here's my step-by-step guide here.
Stop-Loss is a pending market order to close a trade at the next available price once a losing trade reaches a set price.Buy-Stop is a pending market order placed above the current price to buy once the price rises above it.Sell-Stop is a pending market order placed below the current ...
their mind and barge up theirtradingbalances by several folds in a singletrading, basically making all the profitable progress gone in smoke. It is essential to have astop lossstrategy that grows precisely to control the downside inforexmarket with the inconsistent volatility profile of the market...
Stop-Loss Orders Although it's important to have a winning trading strategy on a percentage basis, managing risk and potential losses is also critical so that they don't wipe out your entire account. Risk can be mitigated throughstop-loss orders, which exit the position at a specific exchange...
Part of this is knowing when to accept your losses and move on. Always using a protectivestop loss—a strategy designed to protect existing gains or thwart further losses by means of a stop-loss order or limit order—is an effective way to make sure that losses remain reasonable. Traders c...
A short position will have a stop-buy order instead. Stop Orders Protect Profits Once your trade becomes profitable, you may shift your stop-loss order in the profitable direction to protect some of your profit. For a long position that has become very profitable, you may move your stop-sel...