部分止盈和止损:通过逐步 TP 和 SL 调整逐渐确保利润。 隐私和效率工具 隐藏模式:隐藏 SL、TP 和挂单以增加保密性。 为外部订单自动设置 SL 和 TP:保护移动设备或其他平台打开的订单。 尾随挂单:允许挂单动态跟随当前价格。 精确的交易执行 限价回撤订单 (LPO):通过等待策略性回撤获得更好的入场价。
Forex Smart Tools Calculator and Trade Log The Forex Smart Tools Calculator and Trade Log are created to help you become intelligent Money Managers and gain you entry into the elite group that actually makes money trading Forex. It's precise Money Management that is the secret that all Professio...
A primary support/resistance point calculated based on the previous trend's High, Low, and Close rates. See the pivot points calculator.Pip (Point) The last digit in a currency rate (e.g., for EUR/USD, 1 point = 0.0001).Profit (Gain) ...
{quote} It sounds like the risk engine makes all kind of adjustments to a trader‘s linked Darwin. So position sizing, leverage, SL/TP values and what else (don’t know). If that’s the case you basically doesn’t seem to have any control over what you have to do to reach a cert...
Traders can set pre-configured Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) levels, streamlining trade management and ensuring better risk control. Additionally, the platform allows users to manage their trading plans and strategies, offering a flexible and customizable environment for both new and seasoned...
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. This type of commission is more attractive in terms of cheaper trading, especially for those who practice scalping, intraday trading, and open a large number of orders. However, working with a floating spread is more difficult in practice since the SL and TP levels have to be set taking ...
A simple calculator is integrated - quick start [F12]. Several bugs have been fixed. Forex Strategy Builder v2.6.0.2 (March 16th 2008) Minor bug with the indicators chart was fixed. Forex Strategy Builder v2.6.0.1 (March 13th 2008)
实时显示 SL 和 TP:以账户货币、点或分显示止损和止盈,便于分析。 高级保护工具 盈亏平衡选项: 基本盈亏平衡:当您的交易达到设定水平时自动保护利润。 多级盈亏平衡:设置多达 4 个级别以逐步保护利润。 尾随止损选项: 基本尾随止损:随价格移动调整。 多级尾随止损:最多可自定义 4 个级别。