Exp COPYLOT CLIENT for MT4 + MT5 UNLIMITED V 19.948—Sale price$25 Sold Out FTMO EA BST 16 Y MT4—Sale price$50 Save $1,014 WAKA WAKA EA MT4 V 4.43 + SETS UPDATED NO DLL—Sale price$35 Sold Out FOREX FURY V 5.1 MT4 + Sets—Sale price$50 ...
Thanks, I'll check it. FuryPferd2016.06.26 20:30#3 Rather similar problem here (also on FxPro MT5): I have a pending sell stop order with ticket number nTicket and open price fOpenPrice, now I try to push its take profit further away from open price by calling CTrade::OrderModify( ...
and kul means lake in many Turkic languages. There are two legends connecting the lake to Alexander. The first one states it used to be a location the inhabitants of which resisted Alexander’s rule, and in fury, the king ordered to divert a river ...