Randy Travis的Forever and ever Amen:https://youtu.be/sgJXbIP83A8?si=OGhHZMNKkZWdKWH_就是个极...
感谢您观看了我们和Summer姐姐一起合作的经典乡村民谣《Forever and Ever, Amen》!希望你能喜欢我们的作品,并给我们一键三连支持我们的创作~我们会继续在全球最美的景色里带给您最治愈的音乐哦 Music Travel Love音乐之旅系列更多作品: 《Heaven》BV1mu411B7Rv《Kiss Me》BV1qT4y1Q79g《Landslide》BV1oP4y1c7...
Like every organization the church has to plan for the coming year, estimate income and expenses, create a budget which leadership uses in making decisions. In the next few weeks, you will receive a mailing from the financial secretary and the Session. It is hoped as ...
I have no doubts that you are resting with Christ in glory.We will therefore not mourn like those that have no hope because we know that we shall surely be caught up together in the clouds to meet our Supreme Lord and Savior, Amen. Little wonder you conquered pain and death by the ...
感谢您观看了我们和Summer姐姐一起合作的经典乡村民谣《Forever and Ever, Amen》!希望你能喜欢我们的作品,并给我们一键三连支持我们的创作~我们会继续在全球最美的景色里带给您最治愈的音乐哦 Music Travel Love音乐之旅系列更多作品: 《Heaven》BV1mu411B7Rv《Kiss Me》BV1qT4y1Q79g《Landslide》BV1oP4y1c7...
I hope you are at peace up there in heaven. I will never forget you and all our memories with you. Goodbye, Aunt Jojo. I miss you, and you will always be loved and remembered. Thank you for being the best aunt ever and for loving us all.Zina OnochieNiece Share Chito Onochie May...
此外forever在BrE英式英语里也写作 for ever 严格意义上来讲读 fər-evə(r)没错,但是实际讲话...
都可以。有些「新派」美国人会读成 for'ever。你甚至也可以说这是一种潮流。但是要讲传统的话,传统...
Uncle Ray, you were a ray of light and to know you was to love you. Thank you for bringing joy to me at a critical point in my life. I will hold on to fond memories of you always. Your legacy lives on through your children and grandchildren. May your soul rest in peace. Amen....