Here, we produced the spatial database of planted forests in East Asia at a 1-km resolution and identify dominant tree species in these planted forests to the genus level. Our planted forest map encompasses forests of all ages planted for various purposes, including forest restoration, commercial...
The process-based model is advantageous in describing the spatial pattern of carbon stock dynamic, which can hardly be captured in statistical modeling26,27. In this study, we forced the DLEM model using land use and cover change (LUCC) data intensively validated both spatially and temporally dur...
Recently Song et al., using satellite-data of deforestation rates, derived from changes in tree cover density in the humid tropics, have estimated that between 2000 and 2010, a total of 15.9 ± 2.5 Mha (million ha) forests were lost, which represented 2.6% of the total basin area, or ...
forest (dense forest), savanna (open forest), native grassland (grassland vegetation), planted pasture (pasture) and cropland for the years 2000 and 2016 and subsequently we obtained the percentage values of either loss or gain of each land-cover class of interest during this 16-year time ...
about the appropriateness of this approach. The forests of concern were disturbed by cyclone Ita, one of the worst storms to hit New Zealand in decades, that brought strong winds and rain to the islands on 17 April 2014 and caused insured losses of US $42.9 million (
970 km2. The minimum mapping unit ranges from 1 to 8 ha, comparable with the resolution of many remotely-sensed land-cover products. In most inventories, smaller identifiable features such as small patches of a distinct tree species are incorporated into the description of the larger unit in ...
Temperate forests cover about ∼ 1.5 billion ha of Earth’s surface (∼ 16% of total forests). The extensive coverage of temperate forests underscores their importance in Earth system processes, encompassing biogeochemical cycles and the provision of ecosystem services. Approximately 17% of...
Fifteen species are most susceptible to require vegetation control during tree regeneration in the range of our study. Among these 15 species, Rubus fruticosus, Pteridium aquilinum, and Molinia caerulea cover each more than 300,000 ha of open-canopy fore
(e.g., boreal forests) and it is not possible to consistently identify anthropogenic fires from natural fires at a global scales58 we have taken a strongly conservative approach to fire in our calculations, treating all tree cover loss in 10 km pixels where fire was the dominant driver as...
The year 2022 saw record breaking temperatures in Europe during both summer and fall. Similar to the recent 2018 drought, close to 30% (3.0 million km2) of the European continent was under severe summer drought. In 2022, the drought was located in centra