tUos8i.nUgstihnigstthaibsltea,bwlee, wcaencacnhochooseosaema moroeraecaccucruartaete prperdeidcticiotinonmmodoedleflofrotrhtehpe aptatettrenrnanadndcluclsutestretrytpyep. e. TaTbalbel7e.7M. MAPAEPErerseuslutsltosfolfolaodadfofroerceacsatisntignigni2n021061. 6. 2016 Pattern 1 2 3 4 5 ...
(this map represents the "unit cost map"): crossing time = d tu (2) - the line vector file of forest roads was converted into a points vector file; - the r.cost full tool was applied to define the "accessible" and "barely accessible" areas, starting from the vector of road ...
2.5. TCA Analysis in EMDS System The TCA analysis to assess the ecological integrity of LTAs on NFS lands was implemented in the ArcMap (ESRI) version of the EMDS system. All metrics needed for the assessment (Table 2) were initially obtained or developed as separate GIS layers. Zonal ...
Additionally, many FFOs engaged in actions to improve built capital—such as trail (20.0%, SE = 0.8%) and road maintenance (14.2%, SE = 0.9%). Improvements in built capital (i.e., infrastructure) facilitate benefit flows from harvesting of wood products and NTFPs, recreation, and other ...