SAN ANTONIO, TX -- A U.S. Forest Service law enforcement officer works on Hurricane Rita recovery and relief in the San Antonio Police command post in San Antonio, Texas, on Saturday, September 24, 20JOHN STENNES
this section may also be enforced by any law enforcement officer having territorial jurisdiction or by the county engineer. This section may also be enforced by specially commissioned forest law-enforcement officers of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services for offenses occurring in ...
Executive Officer, Papua New Guinea Forest Industries Association Regional Seminar on Forest Law and Governance Holiday Inn, Port Moresby - 10 - 11 October 2006 PNGFIA represents eighty-five percent of PNG's forest industries. All members of the Association comply fully with PNG laws and regulation...
Wildland Law Enforcement Officer Business Ownership There are hundreds of forestry companies working in Idaho forests. Owners typically have their roots in previous forestry work, advancing up the ranks to self-ownership. There are many types of forestry companies, ...
The Nicaraguan Forest Service office in Puerto Cabezas municipality has a total staff of only one officer, two assistants and a secretary. Transportation depends on a single motorcycle. This team is responsible for a territory of 1.5 million ha. This includes, among other things, monitoring how ...
DPW alerts residents about upcoming project on Monday that could cause water service inconveniences Frequently Asked Questions about Coyotes Hometown Heroes Banner Program applications due March 31 PFPD presents the Officer of the Year and Civilian Employee of the Year Awards ...
livelihoods were at stake. Area law enforcement couldn’t keep U.S. Forest Service roads closed to the public indefinitely and, given Weyerhaeuser’s economic and political influence in the region, public safety officials dared not close roads on its land. Beyond that, law enforcement simply didn...
Where a person fails to comply with a notice, the FPA's Chief Forest Practices Officer may engage a person to carry out the required works and recover the costs from the offender. Notices are the ‘front line’ of enforcement activity under the Act. Most are issued verbally as part of ...
prison sentences would also never allow prison abolitionists to reach their no-prison goal because the public will always see some of the most serious crimes as requiring incarceration. No amount of community service or intensive supervision on its own is going to be seen as a just punishment ...
These sections provide a complicated procedure which requires documentation in relation to ownership of the land, evidence, which would be impossible for an indigenous to produce in front of the Settlement Officer. Many tribal families today are regarded as “encroachers” on forest land (persons ...