自然绿色森林度假村(Nature Green Forest Resort) Cemento, 巴莱尔, 奥罗拉显示地图 不论是商务还是休闲旅客,自然绿色森林度假村都能让您的巴莱尔之行变得更加美好而难忘。酒店距离巴莱尔机场仅有10km。在该地区观光很容易,Pesarean Gunung Kawi、Cemento Beach和Ermita Hill都在酒店附近。从酒店出发可方便前往市内的众多...
雨林度假村和水疗中心,伊加普里 - 自然的奢华等待着您(Rainforest Resort and Spa, Igatpuri -Nature's Luxury Awaits)官网联合预订,携程酒店提供雨林度假村和水疗中心,伊加普里 - 自然的奢华等待着您(Rainforest Resort and Spa, Igatpuri -Nature's Luxury Awaits)价格
您可以品尝到得克萨斯乔的烤肋骨、Xtremely Xpresso Cafe的咖啡、ACEA Subic Beach Resort的特色菜肴、Coco Lime的海鲜美食、The Lighthouse Marina Resort的精致料理、Rali's Restaurant的当地美食、Pier One Bar and Grill的烧烤、Magic Lagoon Bar的特色饮品、Holy Grounds Coffee House的咖啡以及Veranda by Coco...
Select your country 显示5 条真实住客点评 排序方式: 9.2 惊艳了 Andrew(来自英国) 独行侠 豪华小屋 入住了5晚(2024年10月) A WONDERFUL STAY AT THE BARDIA FOREST RESORT” I so enjoyed my stay in a peaceful bungalow at the Bardia Forest Resort. The staff and owners were particularly welcoming and...
自然绿色森林度假村 (Nature Green Forest Resort) 1.5等级(最高为5等级) Cemento, 瑟门多海滩, 巴勒尔, 菲律宾, 3200-查看地图 住宿提供免费 Wi-Fi 和免费停车服务,让您保持连通,并来去自如。 住宿位于巴勒尔瑟门多海滩的上佳位置,让您轻松探索热门景点和餐饮选择。
Dubbed the YOUNA Nature Resorts, the complex follows the mountain’s silhouette to offer a maximized relaxation experience. The A-shape typology allows wide opens the front facade to connect with nature while reaching high-private interiors under the same roof. The resort is the last of the ...
黄海森林生态旅游度假区坐落于江苏盐城黄海湿地,集森林、湿地、海洋综合性自然生态资源于一体。黄海森林总面积6.8万亩,森林覆盖率超85%。 The Yellow Sea Forest Ecotourism Resort is located in the Yellow Sea Wetlands of Yancheng, Jiangsu Province. This destination blends forests, wetlands, and marine ecosyste...
旅游度假区 Resort Area 动物园 Zoo 或 Zoological Park 野生动物园 Wildlife Park 海洋公园 Marine Park 或 Ocean Park 水上乐园 Water Park 水族馆;海洋馆 Aquarium 体育公园 Sports Park 游乐园 Amusement Park 儿童公园 Children's Park 儿童游乐场;儿童乐园 Children's Playground ...
FACILITIES & SERVICES Welcome to Dream Valley Belize, a unique riverfront rainforest resort located in the heart of Belmopan, Cayo District. With expansive outdoor pools, an inviting all-day dining with a terrace bar, and a cozy lounge library, cater to all your relaxation and entertainment nee...
Lake Forest Resortprovides a unique camping opportunity for adults 50+ or couples on their own again. Natural grounds and a glitteringshorefront are tranquil backdrops for the weekend or the season. Relax in nature on the lake with all the amenities of a vacation home. ...