Forest ecosystems are crucial for nutrient cycling, oxygen production, and air filtering. Moreover, they prevent soil erosion and they harbour a wide range of species, including fungi and bacteria. For humans, they are valuable for several reasons, such as providing recreational areas and timber. ...
Cruse, P., et al., “A Five-Year Prospective Study of 23,649 Surgical Wounds”, Surgical Wounds/Cruse and Foord, Aug. 1973, pp. 206-210, vol. 107. NPL-105. Aubrey, D., et al., “Treatment of the Perineal Wound After Proctectomy by Intermittent Irrigation”, Arch. Surg., Oct...
69, No. 15 15 Crescent Rd., Suite 100, Greenbelt, MD 20770-1887 MARCH 2, 2006 Forest Preserve Task Force Has Completed Its Recommendations by Thomas X. White When the Greenbelt City Council enacted legislation cre- ating a Forest Preserve in the Fall of 2004, they also ap- pointed an ...
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doi:10.3390/wevj14080227Ong, Ardvin Kester S.Cordova, Lara Nicole Z.Longanilla, Franscine Althea B.Caprecho, Neallo L.Javier, Rocksel Andry V.Borres, Riaina D.German, Josephine D.World Electric Vehicle Journal