The transects were further divided into five separate quadrats and the dimension of each quadrat was maintained as per decided standard (i.e., 10 m × 100 m), although in some places the standard was adapted to cover the desired transect area due to geomorphological constraints such as...
RankStates with Highest Forest Cover 2013Total Forest Cover in Sq kms 1 Madhya Pradesh 77,482 2 Arunachal Pradesh 66,688 3 Chhattisgarh 55,611 4 Odisha 51,619 5 Maharashtra 50,778 6 Karnataka 38,575 7 Andhra Pradesh 29,137 8 Assam 28,327 9 Tamil Nadu 26,364 10 Uttarakhand 24,303 Las...
While some VFCs are functioning well in certain situations, in a majority of places, they do not last long. This poor sustainability situation of the VFCs is threatening the whole concept of JFM that paved the way for the emergence (resurgence) of community-based forest resource governance in...
Many such places now run from a spreadsheet, restored and rented out by the day for middle-class weddings, anniversary dos, and corporate gigs. Driving there on a fine afternoon in the early autumn, we slipped from the motorway onto smaller roads, thence to narrow country lanes. After a ...
A large number of vegetation/forest types occur in India due to immense climatic and edaphic variations. Therefore, all possible forest types ranging from alpine to very dry forests are occurring at different places. In view of the above variability, comprehensive data on biomass and carbon stocks...