Bonn Challenge is an ambitious global restoration pledge that was launched in 2011, with the nature-based solutions (NbS) strategy of forest landscape restoration (FLR) as its underlying principle. India has one of the largest pledges from Asia with the aim of bringing 13 million hectares of ...
Forest Landscape Restoration brings people together to identify, negotiate and implement practices that restore an agreed optimal balance of the ecological... Forest Landscape Restoration brings people together to identify, negotiate and implement practices that restore an agreed optimal balance of the ...
Future research that distinguishes species within plantations and quantifies land cover replacement is needed to fully understand the impacts of specific forest landscape restoration efforts on livelihoods and the environment. In countries where we see positive associations between tree plantation expansion ...
In this article, I respond to calls for greater empirical investigation into the social impacts of forest landscape restoration. Through spatial and ethnographic analysis of forest restoration in Keonjhar, Odisha (India), I show that state-led afforestation efforts contradict a decade of forest tenure...
Forest and landscape restoration (FLR) is an emerging concept that focuses on the improvement of the ecosystem as well as the livelihood of the people at the landscape level. Nepal has successfully recovered degraded forest land mainly from the hilly region through forest restoration initiatives, ...
The forestry sector in India receives less than 1% of the total governmental budget, and only a fraction of this is allocated for conservation and forest landscape restoration (approximately 0.03% of the government’s total annual budget) [137,147]. 3.2. Assessment of Challenges for FLR ...
Restoring forest landscape creates a long lasting impact on local communities as well on the global climate as the trees absorb the excess carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and create clouds that reflect the solar radiation back into space. Holistic approach to forest restoration Th...
Forest restoration at the landscape level has been conducted to balance ecological integrity and human well-being. Forest restoration efforts are also aimed at reducing CO2 emissions and are closely related to Indonesia’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) from the forestry sector. The purpose ...
“late-successional” often involves arbitrary distinctions based on the nature of the forests where different species colonize, recruit, and reproduce. Replicated landscape-level surveys of species abundance in second-growth and old-growth forests can be used to classify species according to their ...
restoration opportunity land in the Global South, including 12% of the total population in low-income countries. Forest landscape restoration that prioritizes local communities by affording them rights to manage and restore forests provides a promising option to align global agendas for climate ...