Forest Fires in Canada: Impacts of Climate Change and Fire Smoke
2,3. The average forest fire size in Canada, the USA and Australia has doubled or even tripled in recent decades4,5. In return, forest fires feed back to climate by modulating land–atmospheric carbon, nitrogen, aerosol, energy and water fluxes6,7,8. However...
The recent forest fires in several areas of the state of São Paulo, Brazil, have concerned members of the citrus industry. According to data collected by Cepea, the fires affected producing regions, especially in the center-north of the state. Despite the effects of the fires, this scenario...
Impacts on humans and ecosystems extend well beyond the footprint of these fires2, which are increasingly occurring in areas and seasons not normally considered fire-prone3. With their abundance of live and dead plant biomass (fuel), all forests and woodlands are inherently flammable. The drying...
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With continued warming, boreal fires are expected to become larger and more severe, and therefore they will exert more drastic impacts on species distribution, community dynamics, and ecosystem function (Liu et al., 2012, Walker et al., 2019). In this context, the altered fire regime may ...
A major regional air pollution event in the northeastern United States caused by extensive forest fires in Quebec, Canada [1] During early July 2002, wildfires burned 1 106 ha of forest in Quebec, Canada. The resultant smoke plume was seen in satellite images blanketing the U... DeBell,J ...
Droughts impede water balance recovery from fires in the Western United States Article 02 January 2024 Data availability Data used in this study are available via Hydroshare57 ( Landsat data can be accessed at https://www.usgs....
Fires caused by climate or human activities may contribute to approximately 59% of forest cover losses in boreal forests27. On the other hand, in ecologically vulnerable areas such as vegetation ecotones, forests often show a high sensitivity to climate change28,29. The relative impacts of human...
More specifically, Tymstra et al. find that Canada has failed to fund the proactive management of forest fires sufficiently and is not poised to do better moving forward. “Wildfire management agencies in Canada are at a tipping point. Presuppression (sic) and suppression costs are increasing bu...