森林火险等级预报旗 Forest fire danger rating forecast flag套件1~套件3用于火险等级预报;套件4~套件5用于危险程度预报。 Kit Kit 3 for 1 to forecast fire danger rating; Kit Kit 4 to 5 for the degree of risk prediction.王学清
3.Forest fire danger rating was classified according to spring, summer and autumn by the fuzzy cluster method.利用GIS和SPSS统计软件,对塔河林业局1975—2004年的林火和气象数据进行处理,在时空尺度上分析了30a该区的林火规律,引入湿润指数来反映大兴安岭地区水热状况指标,并采用模糊聚类分析法对春、夏、秋3个...
Forest fire dangerrating was classified according to spring, summer and autumn by the fuzzy cluster method. 利用GIS和SPSS统计软件,对塔河林业局1975—2004年的林火和气象数据进行处理,在时空尺度上分析了30a该区的林火规律,引入湿润指数来反映大兴安岭地区水热状况指标,并采用模糊聚类分析法对春、夏、秋3个季...
Attention is called to the advantages of an objective method of forest fire danger rating and the role meteorological forecasts can play in fire protection.doi:10.1080/03759873.1957.9630816J. A. KingTaylor & Francis GroupJournal of the South African Forestry Association...
The impact of climate change on forest fire danger rating in China's boreal forest The Great Xing'an Mountains boreal forests were focused on in the northeastern China.The simulated future climate scenarios of IPCC SRES A2a and B2a for bo... YANG,Guang,DI,... - 《Journal of Forestry Resea...
Conference on Fire & Forest Whitewood Compte Rendu Du 10ieme Congress Sur Les Incendies Et La Meterologie Forestiere 1989 研究点推荐 forest fire danger rating index forest fires Markov chain model canadian forest fire weather index system markov processes 引用走势 2010 被引量:4 站内活动 ...
During the biannual fire season we operate regular land, air and water patrols with fire crews on standby. Every day, fire teams monitor daily weather at 23 locations across the province and calculate a Fire Danger rating based on days since rain, amount of rainfall, humidity and fuel (veget...
The Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) is used throughout Canada, and in a number of countries throughout the world, for estimating fire potential in wildland fuels. Estimates of fire danger generated from the system rely upon estimates of fuel moisture in three distinct moisture...
The Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) and the National Forest Fire Danger Rating System (NFFDRS) were exercised under the Mediterranean forest type conditions of Crete Island, Greece in 2008鈥 2009. The CFFDRS shows a high association between the assessed values of the duff ...
Understanding and being able to predict forest fire occurrence, fire growth and fire intensity are important aspects of forest fire management. In Canada fire management agencies use the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System (CFFDRS) to help predict these elements of forest fire activity. In th...