We quantified how burn severity, time since fire, and topographic position affect resilience indicators related to post-fire overstory and understory recruitment in the Great Xing’an Mountains of Northeastern China. We found that burn severity and topographic position exhibited strong influences on post...
Wildfire is one of the most important natural disturbances in forest and multi-vegetation ecosystems, directly or indirectly affecting the structural proce
forest or woodland. States 4D (60–99 years) and 5D (100–159 years) are maturing open-grown forests that develop through multiple low to moderate-severity fires. State 6D (160–199 years) represents an open-grown old forest with some canopy layering due to episodic recruitment of younger t...
These species are adapted to natural dynamics of deadwood recruitment and decomposition (Stokland et al., 2012), which can explain why their diversity declines in younger forests with fewer deadwood resources (Martikainen et al., 2000; Stenbacka et al., 2010, Gibb et al., 2013, Janssen et...
On the contrary, the number of new seedlings (i.e., species recruitment) decreased with increasing the fire severity (R2 = 0.37,p-value = 0.081; Fig.2d; Table2c) withQuercus pubescenscharacterized by a greater decrease when compared withOstrya carpinifolia(p-value = 0.064).Co...
(Laurance et al.1998; Martinez-Ramos et al.2016). Consequently, forest edges in fragmented areas are characterized by open canopies and low seedling recruitment, especially for low-light demanding and heat intolerant forest-interior tree species, but may favour the proliferation of light demanding ...
Manitoba. Government of Canada, Department of Forestry and Rural Development, Forest Research Laboratory, Winnipeg, Departmental Publication Bormann FH, Likens GE (1979) Pattern and process in a forested ecosystem. Springer, New York Book Google Scholar Breugel MV, Bongers F, Mart’ınez-Ramos ...
Department of Biology, University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL, 33146, USA Mauro Galetti Contributions CLA, MCC, MG, and RSB contributed to the study conception and design. Data collection was performed by CLA and RSCA. Data analysis was performed by MCC and NMH. The first draft of the manus...
Prior to recruitment, the nature and objectives of the study were explained to potential participants and those who agreed to take part in the study signed a consent form while an assent was obtained from parents or guardians of children who were enrolled in the study. Participation was voluntary...
Intact tropical rainforests are considered robust to plant invasions. However, land-use change alters the structure and species composition of native fores