Differences in resprouting and recruitment were tested using linear mixed models (LMM), using the plot id as a random factor to adjust the model degree of freedom. For these variables (i.e., resprouting percentage and new seedlings), we considered the interaction significant between species and...
forests in Gujarat, India. They reported that C-band ESAR data predict 70 Mg ha− 1, L-band up to 150 Mg ha− 1, and P-band up to 200 Mg ha− 1. Phytomass of moist deciduous forest of Gujarat, India, estimated with the help of spectral modeling showed a range from 6...
The plant canopy height is an essential parameter that specifies the ecosystem structure, functional diversity, species regeneration and recruitment, natural and anthropogenic disturbances and management activities [1,2]. The canopy height is measured through field harvesting, wherein the satellite light ...