India: Protests And Repression - Struggles Growing In The Forest AreasIndigenousPeoplesAdminPosco
After a collision this past April in Odisha state that killed four elephants, Indian Railways lowered speed limits to as low as 18mph in several areas in the country's east (4) Beginning late last year, railways officials in the east have fixed a kind of equipment s that loudly broadcast...
India’s Forest andTreeCover:Contribution as aCarbon Sink 1TECHNICAL PAPER vide LPG in hi l lyareasof Himalayan region and in central tribal beltoffers another potential op-portunitytofurther improve the carbon seques-tration potential of ourforestsasthis kind of fuel switching by the hi l ly...
In March, the same leopard is suspected to have killed a four-year-old child in the area. Leopards and other big cats have been known to stray into populated areas in India, and conservationists have warned that such confrontations may increase as humans encroach on animal habitats....
In spite of large areas uader forests, tbe forest sector in India is most likely not the one where the war for lont-term economic development can be won or lost; nevertheless this is a sector with vast unexploted potential, capable of much greater output and income at comparatively short ...
Li G, Lu H, Hu W, Liu J, Hu M, He J, Huang F (2022) Outdoor air pollution enhanced the association between indoor air pollution exposure and hypertension in rural areas of eastern China. Environ Sci Pollut Res 29(49):74909–74920 Article Google Scholar Liu Y, Zhang X (2023) Envi...
Blue is the ideal color for living areas as it is formal common use for blue is in monochoromatic color scheme, where blues of different shades, tints or tones are combined. This creates a wonderfully tranquil space, sedative and heavenly. ...
Soil erosion and overland flow in forested areas with pine plantations at coastal mountain range, central Chile. Hydrol. Process. 9, 111–118 (1995). Article Google Scholar Stephens, S. S. & Wagner, M. R. Forest plantations and biodiversity: a fresh perspective. J. For. 105, 307–313...
We excluded areas affected by forest fires and retained areas affectedby major windstorms because they appear in the harvest removal data. Statistical significance at P = 0.05 for remote sensing and national statistics is indicated by an asterisk and a hash, respectively, in the country label ...
and forests in border areas, such as Tanintharyi, had been a refuge as well as a source of livelihood (in addition to a few mixed plantations with betelnut and cashew) for the local people. However, in the past 20 years, the area has increasingly become a hotspot for large-scale land...