"Disabling" forensic detention involves challenging the self-evidence of the meaning of disability in forensic mental health law, and in turn illuminating the significance of this meaning to the possibility and permissibility of forensic detention and other interventions in the bodies of people ...
Analysis of the meaning of diagnosis in the light of some interrelations of social structure, value judgment... According to Webster, malingering is the "feigning of illness or inability in order to avoid doing one's duty." It is consistent with this definition that ......
Forensic Psychiatryis a subspecialty ofpsychiatrythat lies at the intersection of mental health, human rights, and the law. The field provides critical insights into the psychological aspects of legal matters and educates legal decision-makers, employers, correctional institutions, hospitals, and the ge...
Given that the economic burden of crime in the United States is estimated to be over $2.3 trillion per year, psychopaths likely constitute one of the most expensive mental health conditions known today. This volume chronicles the latest science of psychopathy and the various ways the condition ...
The article also points out, however, that a case-based system is likely to suffer from numerous implementation problems, including breaches of confidentiality, difficulties in divining the meaning of clinical and legal aspects of the cases, the tendency to treat cases as precedent, and the likely...
An Educational Service for Clinical & Forensic Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Other Forensic and Mental Health Professionals, Attorneys, and Judicial Professionals (Students & Trainees Welcome!)William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. Forensic Psychiatry Consultant Horseshoe Bay, Texas...
An Educational Service for Clinical & Forensic Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Other Forensic and Mental Health Professionals, Attorneys, and Judicial Professionals (Students & Trainees Welcome!)William H. Reid, M.D., M.P.H. Forensic Psychiatry Consultant Horseshoe Bay, Texas...
Purpose & Meaning Relationships Self-care and supervision for mental health professionals Learn More Julianne Ludlam, Ph.D. Trauma Assessments Psychological Evaluations Learn More Michelle Chasen, MA Attachment Parenting and Co-Parenting Learn More ...
Forensic Psychology CHAPTER OUTLINE LEARNING OBJECTIVES INTRODUCTION PSYCHOLOGY AND THE LAW The meaning of 'forensic' The origins of legal psychology EYEWITNESS MEMORY An early model of memory The strength and validity of the evidence THE PSYCHOLOGY OF CONFESSION Voluntary false confessions Interrogational ...
Forensic Mental Health Assessment KirkHeilbrun,TammyLander, inEncyclopedia of Applied Psychology, 2004 1Introduction The field offorensic psychologyhas developed almost entirely during the past 50 years. The broad meaning of “forensic psychology” might include the research or professional activities of ...