FORENSIC FILES is the longest-running true crime series in television history. Real crimes, disease outbreaks and accidents around the world are solved by…
WhereasTheLast Defensedisposes itself to throwing Darlie Routier’s guilt into doubt, the 1999Forensic Filesepisode about the homicides of the boys, ages 5 and 6, portrays her as deserving of thecapital punishment sentencedoled out by a Texas jury. But “Invisible Intruder,” theForensic Filesret...
America’s Most Wanteddid a great segment about the case on its regular TV show back in 1990, when John Hawkins was still on the loose. Unfortunately, the vignette isn’t on YouTube. A couple of sources gave links to theAMWepisode on Lifetime and Hulu — but they no longer work. If...
2, Emmanuelle Delanoë-Brun 2, Laurianne Georgeton 3, Christophe Stécoli 3, Jean-François Bonastre 4and Corinne Fredouille 4 1 Laboratoire CLILLAC-ARP, UFR d’Études Anglophones, Faculté Sociétés et Humanités, Université Paris Cité, 75013 Paris, France ...