T., 1987. Deep-marine foreland basin and forearc sedimentation: a comparative study from the Lower Palaeozoic northern Appalachians, Quebec and Newfoundland. In: Marine Clastic Sedimentology (eds Leggett, J. K. & Zuffa, G. G.), pp. 190-211. Graham and Trotman, London....
fore-land basin 介于克拉通与造山带前缘的沉积盆地。又称山前坳陷、前渊。前陆是指克拉通与冒地斜相邻的部分。 前陆盆地按其形成的构造位置可以分为两类:①周边前陆盆地,紧靠在大陆碰撞所产生的造山带外侧,在向下挠曲的陆壳之上形成沉积盆地。如中国天山北麓山前坳陷,喜马拉雅山南麓印度河-恒河盆地和阿尔卑斯山...
1.2 The architecture of platforms to basin transitions in the French Alpine foreland In southeastern France, triangle zones have also developed along the northern border of the Provençal Platform,accounting for the large backthrusts of the La Lance and Ventoux-Lure carbonate platforms, which are ...
, 1993.Growth of a slope ridge and its control on sedimentation: Paola slope basin (eastern Tyrrhenian margin). In:L. E. Frostick, R. J. Steel (eds.),Tectonic Controls and Signatures in Sedimentary Successions. Int. Ass. Sediment., spec. pub., 20: 467–480. Google Scholar ...
Paleocene‐Eocene foreland basin evolution in the Himalaya of southern Tibet and Nepal: Implications for the age of initial India‐Asia collision Paleocene-Eocene foreland basin evolution in the Himalaya of southern Tibet and Nepal: implications for the age of initial India-Asia collision. Tectonics....
Crustal thickening and crustal extension as controls on the evolution of the drainage network of the central Swiss Alps between 30 Ma and the present: cons... The combined information about sedimentary petrography from the North Alpine Foreland Basin and structural geology from the Alps allows a qu...
The Cretaceous Xigaze forearc basin and its early Tertiary foreland basin are typical example. The other is developed in the front of the fold-thrust belt on the overriding plate formed by the inversion of a margin ocean and arc-continent collision behind the magma arc. The Pliogence-...
The Cretaceous Xigaze forearc basin and its early Tertiary foreland basin are typical example. The other is developed in the front of the fold-thrust belt on the overriding plate formed by the inversion of a margin ocean and arc-continent collision behind the magma arc. The Pliogence-...
This concept regards the Outer Banda Arc islands as tectonic melange scraped from the downgoing Australian plate and the Trough, not as a foreland basin or foredeep but, as part of this forearc accretionary wedge melange. Another view considers this continental margin has in the Timor region ...
(1) The mineralogical composition of foreland basin sandstones (modes compiled using QFL, QmFLt, QpLvLs and QmPK plots) show a wide range of provenance types. Quartz-rich, feldspar-poor detritus derived from continental blocks (intensely weathered cratons as well as locally uplifted basement) ...