Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZ) are secure areas under U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) supervision that are generally considered outside CBP territory upon activation. Located in or near CBP ports of entry, they are the United States' version of what are known internationally as free-trade...
This study investigates the Trade Agreement Parity Proposal advanced by the National Association of Foreign-Trade Zones. Using gravity model estimates, we find that extending the benefits of US free trade agreements to FTZ-based manufacturing firms in the United States results in economic gains that ...
Foreign Trade Zones Overview The Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) program is a fiscal tool that can defer or reduce duty payments, streamline supply chain costs, and improve a company’s competitive position in domestic and foreign markets. Foreign and domestic merchandise may be moved into zones for st...
沪江词库精选United States Foreign Trade Zones Board是什么意思、英语单词推荐 美国对外(自由)贸易区委员会 隶属于华盛顿美国商务部(Department of Commerce,Washington C.),依据1934年的对外贸易区法案(Foreign Trade Zones Act,1934),负责全美对外贸易区(*foreign trade zone)的核准与业务监督,并管辖各贸易区的海关...
foreignzonestradeftzsftzmerchandise ABOUTFOREIGN-TRADEZONES:U.S.FOREIGN-TRADEZONESPROMOTINGTRADE,JOBCREATION,ANDECONOMICDEVELOPMENT TheForeign-TradeZone(FTZ)programwascreatedbyCongressin1934toexpediteandencourageforeigncommerce.TheFTZBoardattheDepartmentofCommercereviewsallFTZapplications. Foreign-tradezones(FTZs)are...
U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones (FTZs) provide a secure and profitable platform to compete effectively in domestic and global markets. The FTZ program is available to all U.S. based importers/exporters and can be established at warehouses/distribution centers and manufacturing facilities. South Carolina...
foreign trade zones 美 英 un.〔商〕对外贸易区 网络外贸保税区 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 〔商〕对外贸易区
trade zone 贸易区 unenumerated articles (少于贸易中常用单位额度) 零星货物 foreign trade dependence 贸易依存度 National Foreign Trade Council (美国)全美对外贸易委员会 简称N.F.T.C.,于1914年由美国各地方代表共75人所组成的审议机关。曾领导修订Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions ...
UPS®Zone Solutionsは、コンサルテーションからFTZ管理、完全なエンドツーエンドのFTZ倉庫管理に至るまで、自由貿易地域(FTZ)における包括的なサービス一式を提供し、可視性の向上、コンプライアンスの管理、コストの削減、サービスレベルの向上を支援します。
The first section discusses free trade zones worldwide. The second section focuses on the U.S. FTZ program --its history, administrative mechanism, structure, growth and industry concentration, and benefits and costs. The third section focuses on current issues for Congress relating to the U.S....