Iceland: Foreign Trade and the Balance of PaymentsCentral Bank of Iceland
The balance of Trade (BoT) or Trade Balance is a part of the Balance of Payments (BoP). BoT just includes the balance between export and import of goods. BoP not only adds the service-trade but also many other components in the current account (Eg: Transfer payments) and capital account...
balance of trade 贸易差额,贸易平衡,贸易收支 trade balance 贸易差额,贸易平衡 foreign trade dependence 贸易依存度 National Foreign Trade Council (美国)全美对外贸易委员会简称N.F.T.C.,于1914年由美国各地方代表共75人所组成的审议机关。曾领导修订Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions financing of...
balance名— 均势名 · 平衡能力名 · (银行账户)余额名 · (比赛中的)局面名 对外贸易 查看更多用例•查看其他译文 ▾ 外部资源(未审查的) [...] increase exports by 10.8 per cent and to achieve a positivebalance of foreign tradeestimated to ...
How Fiscal and Monetary Policies Affect the Exchange Rate 9:08 Exchange Rates on International Trade | Impacts & Examples 6:16 Trade Balance | Definition, Formula & Examples 9:09 Balance of Payments: Current Account & Measuring Foreign Trade 8:09 7:27 Next Lesson Balance of Payment |...
In the very short run, currency devaluation will lead to a worsening of a nation’s trade balance. But as time passes, the trade balance will likely improve. 货币传递效应(The passing-through effect) The extent to which changing currency values lead to changes in import and export prices is...
In addition, the strategy of "one belt and one road" and free trade zone strategy are expected to become the new growth point of foreign trade next step. New normal challenge At present, the global economy is in an unbalanced state, emerging markets are beginning to split up, the US doll...
对外贸易差额(balance of foreign trade) 对外贸易差额是指一个国家或地区在一定时期(通常是一年、一季或一月)内出口总额与进口总额之间的差额。这一指标用以衡量一国对外贸易的收支状况,是国际收支中的一个重要组成部分。 对外贸易差额:Balance of Foreign Trade,也称为贸易差额。
网络对外贸易差额;贸易收支差额;对外贸易的收支 网络释义