ITIN 个人税号所谓ITIN(Individual Taxpayer Identification Number,简称“ITIN”),是美国国税局(Inter...
首先,您需要确定自己的税居民身份。如果您是美国以外的个人,且在任何一年内在美国居住时间不超过183天,则您被视为非居民外国人。对于非居民外国人而言,填写W-8 BEN表是必需的。填写W-8 BEN表时,请在“Foreign Taxpayer Identification Number (FTIN)”部分提供您的税识别号码。如果您没有税识别号...
国外税籍号码(Foreign tax identifying number) (如适用,如果没有无须填写) 8. 证券经纪商帐户号码(Reference number) Part …|基于 1 个网页 3. 外国税号 第7点:外国税号(Foreign tax identifying number)选择性提供。第8点:扣缴单位使用编号(Reference number(s))例,经… ...
Information on the FTIN number that is required to complete the W-8BEN Tax FormJukin Media requires a Foreign Tax Identification number (FTIN) in order to validate your tax information. You will not be able to receive payment without entering this number....
taxidentification税务foreign外国huatai Self–CertificationforU.S.TaxStatus(Individual)美國稅務狀況自我證明書(個人)Page1of5Identificationnumber身份證號碼AccountHolderName帳戶持有人姓名Fo**ignTaxIdentificationNumber(ifavailable)海外納稅人識別號碼(如適用)U.S.ForeignAccountTaxComplianceAct(“FATCA”)hascomeintoforce...
Foreign TIN对应的中国号码是税务登记号。EIN (Employer Identification Number) 雇员身份号码,适用于美国。尽管它是一种分配给个人或者法人实体的预扣赋税号码,但是它与SSN(社会保险号码)具有同样的法律效力。通常EIN也被称作TIN (Tax Identification Number),税负编号。
(except for a Form W-8IMY), without a valid FTIN will generally be considered invalid after December 31, 2019 Foreign Tax Identification Number ("FTIN") As calendar year 2019 is quickly coming to an end, we wanted to remind US offices and branches of financial insti...
Self –Certification for U.S. Tax Status (Individual) 美國稅務狀況自我證明書美國稅務狀況自我證明書(個人個人) Page 1 of 5 Identification number 身份證號碼 Account Holder Name 帳戶持有人姓名 Foreign Tax Identification Number (if available) 海外納稅人識別號碼(如適用) U.S. Foreign Account Tax Compl...
Line 9a Insert your Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN). 9b Insert your Foreign Tax Identification Number (Foreign TIN) if held. If you do not have a GIIN and you intend to apply for one soon or you have already applied for a GIIN, please enter 'Applied For' in the space ...