In this equation, all terms are expressed in USD:Basis Pool = Initial Capitalization of Branch + Contributions to Branch + Undistributed Profits − Remittances − LossesThe equity pool is the owner's interest in the branch in terms of the functional currency of the QBU. Like the basis ...
Indeed, banks’ profit before tax satisfies the following accounting identity: Profitbeforetax=Netinterestmargin+(noninterestincome−overheads−othernoninterestexpenditures−loanlossprovisioning)As such, I re-estimate equation (1) with, alternatively, interest income and interest expenses (the ...
A coefficient different from zero implies that the ASD does enter the particular equation. Hence, ASDs enter the model without theoretical restrictions and may capture any “missing” shock. The tests conducted in Subsection 6.1 may be viewed as a “constrained” ASD procedure, where Y^ contains...
E. (1982). Asymptotic confidence intervals for indirect effects in structural equation models. Sociological Methodology, 13, 290–321. doi:10.2307/270723 Tian, Y. (2018). Optimal policy for attracting FDI: Investment cost subsidy versus tax rate reduction. International Review of Economics & ...
But this is only one part of the equation. Europe can – and clearly should – be able and willing to do more on its own. But if we are to do more, we first need to explain why. I see three broad categories. First, we need to provide stability in our neighbourhood and across dif...
In Table 3, we estimate equation (1) employing the affiliate's pre-tax profit and EBIT measure as dependent variable. In Specification (1), we regress the affiliate's pre-tax profit on a parent dummy and con- trol variables for the input factors, a full set of group fixed effects and...
Your language learning is not a part of this equation. Think for yourself. Learning a foreign language is a simple and a straightforward process. Modern academia, however, is not a simple and a straightforward entity. I AM A BEGINNER, HOW CAN I READ IN SPANISH ? In the beginning you ...
Having come a long way, Pakistan now needs to achieve equilibrium in itsenergy trianglefor a sustainable energy equation with the right balance of security and access, environmental sustainability, and economic development and growth. The government now is committed to improving ...
Carbon tax adoption and foreign direct investment: Evidence from Africa 2024, Cogent Economics and Finance Financial inclusion: a catalyst for financial system development in emerging and frontier markets 2023, Journal of Financial Economic Policy View all citing articles on Scopus ...
Equation (1) analyzes the direct effect of digital evolution on a company’s outward investment. Equation (2) is used to test the effect of digital evolution on the mediating variables, and Equation (3) is used to examine the mediating impact of digital evolution on an enterprise’s outward...