Background Priorto2005,onlyNRI'sandPIO'swereallowedtoinvestinthehousingandtherealestatesectors.ForeigninvestorsotherthanNRIswereallowedtoinvestonlyindevelopmentofintegratedtownshipsandsettlementseitherthroughawholly-ownedsubsidiaryorthroughajointventure(JV)companyalongwithalocalpartner.IndiafullyopeneddoorsforFDIinreal...
resident, was still a delegate to China's NPC91 when his U.S. companies donated $120,000 to Governor Terry McAuliffe of Virginia in 2012 and $2 million to the Clinton Foundation in 2013. Wang's influence extends beyond state elections. According to one estimate, he and his companies ...
Family Remittance Facility: – Foreign nationals who are resident in Bangladesh and have income in Bangladesh are permitted to make monthly remittances to the country of their domicile out of their current savings up to 50% of their net income to cover their commitments abroad. This remittance fac...