Chapter 318, Section 7(1) of the Medical Practitioner’s Registration Act of Belize “allows for the registration of medical practitioners who satisfy the Council of their eligibility for registration including Belizean residency.” However, Section 7(7) B delineates requirements for temporary registr...
Benjamin Miller, Katherine Camacho Carr.Integrating Stand-ardized Patients and Objective Structured Clinical ExaminationsInto a Nurse Practitioner Curriculum[J]. The Journal for NursePractitioners,2016,12(5) :201 - 210.Miller B, Carr KC. Integrating standardized patients and objective structured clinical...
23.Chiropractic physicians: an analysis of select issues for the use of electronic medical records and the patient-practitioner relationship within the society-culture-personality model 机译:脊医:社会文化-人格模型中使用电子病历的选择问题和医患关系的分析 作者:Marcel Fredericks;Luke Lyons;Bill Kondellas;...