中国发行新的外国永久居民身份证!National Immigration Administration of China Releases New Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card 中国国家移民局发放新的外国永久居民身份证 The National Immigration Administration of China (NIA) holds a news conference in Beijing on Sept 15. It announces that a new version o...
foreign permanent resident id cards of the people's republic of china. foreigners with permanent residence status in china can check the details of their foreign permanent resident id cards of the people's republic of china ...
下一步,国家移民管理局将会同有关部门加快推进各相关行业信息系统、设施设备的匹配性升级改造,拓展应用范围,提升体验满意度,全面顺利实现改版永居证的功能目标。 National Immigration Administration of China Releases New Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card The National Immigration Administration of China(NIA) holds a...
The National Immigration Administration (NIA) on Friday put into use a new version of the Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card of the People's Republic of China. On the same day, the first batch of 50 new cards was issued to qualified foreigners whose permanent residence applications had been a...
BEIJING, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- The National Immigration Administration (NIA) on Friday put into use a new version of the Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card of the People's Republic of China. On the same day, the first batch of 50 new cards was issued to qualified foreigners whose permanent...
After Dec. 1, the current foreign permanent resident ID card will still be valid within the effective period, and card holders can apply for the new version in due course. China's National Immigration Administration has ...
Last July, the Ministry of Public Security started issuinga new generation of China’s Green Card.The new ‘Foreigner’s Permanent Resident Identity Card’ (FPRID) will gradually replace the old ‘Foreigner’s Permanent Residence Card’ (FPRC). While changes to the national legislation relate mer...
Foreign investors can apply for permanent residence in China by meeting one of the following conditions and showing good performance in terms of tax records: 外籍投资者可以申请在中国永久居留,符合以下条件之一并在纳税记录方面表现良好的外国人均可申请: ...
The National Immigration Administration of China (NIA) holds a news conference in Beijing on Sept 15. It announces that a new version of the Foreign Permanent Resident ID Card of the People’s Republic of China will be officially issued and put into use from Dec 1 2023. The conference relea...