Foreign Body Lung: A Case Reportdoi:10.3329/jcmcta.v21i2.7739M Shameem HasanM EnayetullahSanat Kumar BaruaM Shah AlamMahmuda Akhter
S. M. Hasan MahmudSchool of Computer Science and Engineering University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Chengdu ChinaAnupam Kumar BairagiComputer Science and Engineering Discipline Khulna University Khulna BangladeshQuality Control, Transactions...
Md.Mahmud HasanIskandar B.BaharinShafina SultanaInternational Federation of Automatic ControlArtificial intelligence in real-time control 1997(AIRTC'97): IFAC(International Federation of Automatic Control) symposium on artificial intelligence in real-time control, 22-25 September 1997, Kuala Lumpur, ...
Thus the elements of the intelligent control model can be established. Copyright direct C 1998 IFACMd.Mahmud HasanIskandar B.BaharinShafina SultanaIFAC Sympoisum on Artificial Intelligence in Real-Time Control 1997 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 22-25 September 1997...
The placement scheme develops a quadratic assignment problem that minimizes latency. Case studies demonstrate the enhanced performance of the proposed scheme under various scenarios.doi:10.1109/tsg.2017.2763954Md. Mahmud HasanHussein T. MouftahIEEESmart Grid, IEEE Transactions on...
HFSS and CST, two well-known simulators are being used to design and evaluate antenna gain, performance and radiation pattern properties.Md Mahedi HasanMd SamsuzzamanMd Siam TalukderMd Tarikul IslamMd. Zulfiker MahmudTouhidul AlamInternational Conference on Sustainable Technologies for Industry 4.0...
Sarp KermanDries VercruysseTom ClaesMahmud Ul HasanPieter NeutensVignesh MukundXavier RottenbergLiesbet LagaePol Van DorpeConference on silicon photonics and photonic integrated circuits V
It also evaluates the models through case studies for realistic WSN topologies. The presented models provide a better understanding of resource efficient watchdog deployment strategies.doi:10.1109/lwc.2016.2633990Md. Mahmud HasanHussein T. MouftahIEEEWireless Communications Letters, IEEE...
Here, we discuss the clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, pathological diagnosis and management of such a case. There was no recurrence during a year follow-up.Al Mamun, Abdullah300 Bed HospHasan, Dewan MahmudBangladesh Journal of Otorhinolaryngology...
Captain Najhan Md SaidMohd Razali MahmudRozaimi Che HasanInternational Conference and Exhibition on Geospatial and Remote Sensing