Langma School of Languages offers foreign language courses, international language training, best foreign courses online, foreign language classes in Delhi NCR, India.
Inlingua New Delhi is one of the oldest of Institute Foreign Languages that offers intensive&courses&in&German, French, and Spanish languagesCourses at Inlingua, Delhi.
German LanguageCourses in CairoandtheEvolutionof“German as aForeignLanguage”(DaF)IntroductionOnFebruary 27,1965, EgyptianDeputyPrimeMinisterNureddinTarraf alongwithLotteUlbricht,the wifeof EastGermanheadof stateWalter Ulbricht,¹openedthe EastGermanCultural Institute(Kultur-undInformationszentrum,KIZ)in Cairo...