COLLEGEOFARTSANDSCIENCES AREASOFEMPHASISATDELAWARE CoursesareofferedinArabic,Chinese,French,German,Hebrew,Italian,Japanese,Portugese,Russian, Spanish,andAncientGreekandRomanStudies(ancientGreekandLatinlanguage,literature,and culture). AmajorinFLLoffersmanydegreeoptionstailoredtoindividualinterests.StudentsmayreceiveaBA...
ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF LANGUAGE STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND LITERATURE (GRADUATE PROGRAMME) Analysis of the Effectiveness of C... I Ali 被引量: 0发表: 0年 Graduate Institute of Accounting College of Commerce National Chengchi University Master Thesis I examine whether the...
one.HerpredecessorwastheDepartmentofOrientalStudies, theDepartmentofwesternlanguagesandliterature,the DepartmentofRussianlanguageandliterature,andthe DepartmentofEnglishlanguageandliteratureatPeking University.Fordecades,herebringstogetherChina'smost outstandinggroupofforeignlanguageliteraturemasters,such ...
In addition, the suggestion for future development in relation to the aforementioned will also be offered.Linlin QiuKew Si NaIsmail, Norhiza BintiTheory & Practice in Language Studies (TPLS)
IB courses: Studies in language and literature、Language acquisition、Individuals and societies、Sciences、Mathematics、The arts、TOK、CAS、EE. 四、实践活动课程 IV. Practical Activities 参加学校统一组织或国际部单独举办的...
摘要: The paper offers a brief overview of learning styles studies, presents some ways of applying learning style theories into foreign language teaching in China, and touches on some areas for further research.关键词: language learning styles individual differences foreign language teaching ...
LITERATURE studiesFocuses on foreign language literature for beginning learner-readers. Nature of a literary work; Potential and probable gains for beginning learner-readers; Textbooks as guide for accessing literary works; Selected inventories of reading strategies.Foreign ...
The English literature section applies only to literature, translation studies, and American Studies 1. Li Funing editor: European literary history 4 volumes, gushie Raroma, Western Europe, Russia, the Commercial Press, 1999. 2. compass country: Selected Readings in new English literature. Volume ...
In addition, the heritage students in this study reported lower anxiety scores than other college-level students from previous studies reported in the literature that also used the FLCAS. 展开 关键词: heritage students language acquisition language anxiety language learning learner variablesSpanish ...
International Journal of English Language and Literature Studies, 9(3), 219–230. Article Google Scholar Allan, M. (1985). Teaching English with video. Longman. Google Scholar Argynbayev, A., Kabylbekova, D., & Yaylaci, Y. (2014)...