then we need to add the necessary foreign key and relationship methods. As part of this, though, we'll also quickly review database factories and how useful they can be during the development and testing phase.Jeffrey
foreign key in SQLPosted by: bxcvs s Date: January 28, 2009 09:35AM Hi is this supported in the latest xampp version of mysql? It always says no such key or such. Thanks MichaelNavigate: Previous Message• Next Message Options: Reply• Quote ...
Victor Key2023-06-05 Remote host terminates connection forcefully check connection state for GetInActiveWriteClient () which is called from GetClient()., Otherwise server will close the connection forcly., An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host., This normally results if the...
in section: " FOREIGN KEY Constraints" it reads: "Note that InnoDB supports foreign key references within a table. In these cases, “child table records” really refers to dependent records within the same table." HOW TO REPRODUCE IT: - Done with: Windows 7 XAMPP for Windows Vers...