因为user表中不存在 4 这个用户的id,所以就不能添加成功 外键约束 FOREIGN KEY 维护 在更新、删除主表时,外键约束有可配置的触发事件,分别为: 1.RESTRICT(限制外表中的外键改动) 2.CASCADE(跟随外键改动) 3.SET NULL(设置为null) 4.SET DEFAULT(设默认值) 5.NO ACTION(同RESTRICT,限制外表中的外键改动) 添...
add foreign key (外键字段) references 主表 (主键) on 约束模式; 1. 约束模式(约束对象主要是主表): District:严格模式(默认的),主表不能删除或者更新一个已经被从表数据引用的记录 Cascade:级联模式,主表变化,从表数据也变化 Set null:置空模式,主表的操作之后(删除),从表对应的数据(外键字段)被置空,...
CONSTRAINT`s_id`FOREIGN KEY (`student_id`) REFERENCES`student`(`id`) ) 3 更改事件触发限制为 CASCADE #删除旧的外键 ALTERTABLEstudent_scoreDROPFOREIGNKEY s_id; #添加新的外键,修改事件触发限制为 CASCADE ALTERTABLEstudent_score ADDCONSTRAINTs_idFOREIGNKEY (student_id)REFERENCESstudent (id) ONDELETECA...
A self-referential ON DELETE SET NULL, on the other hand, is possible, as is a self-referential ON DELETE CASCADE. Cascading operations may not be nested more than 15 levels deep. In an SQL statement that inserts, deletes, or updates many rows, foreign key constraints (like unique ...
CASCADE:级联操作。即当被参照记录被删除或更新时外键值也删除或更新,写在on delete后面就是级联删除,写在on update后面就是级联更新。例如在上面的例子中,如果表”借书“定义了表约束FOREIGN KEY 借书证号 REFERENCES 读者(借书证号) ON DELETE CASCADE;那么张三的记录被删除时,他的所有借阅记录(即表”借书“中”...
cascade:级联模式, 父表操作后,子表关联的数据也跟着一起操作。 set null:置空模式,前提外键字段允许为NLL, 父表操作后,子表对应的字段被置空。 使用外键的前提: 表储存引擎必须是innodb,否则创建的外键无约束效果。 外键的列类型必须与父表的主键类型完全一致。
Because all records in the child table are associated withparent_id = 2, theON DELETE CASCADEreferential action removes all records from the child table, as shown here: For more information about foreign key constraints, seeSection, “FOREIGN KEY Constraints”....
- Make a foreign key "Artist_label_lkp" that maps the Artist_ID field of this table to the Artist_ID field of the 'artist_label_lkp' table, enabling CASCADE on update and delete. I GET AN ERROR WHEN DOING THIS (MySQL Error Number 1005). ...
Category:MySQL Server: InnoDB storage engineSeverity:S1 (Critical) Version:5.7.18OS:Any Assigned to:CPU Architecture:Any Tags:excessive memory,Memory,regression [3 Jun 2017 9:20] Shane Bester Description:On large tables with cascading foreign key deletes, mysqld consumes a suprising amount of mem...
指定约束名称可以方便维护,删除约束可以用 ALTER TABLE tbl_name DROP FOREIGN KEY symbol语句快速删掉。ON DELETE、ON UPDATE表示事件触发限制,可设参数:RESTRICT(限制外表中的外键改动)CASCADE(跟随外键改动)SET NULL(设空值)SET DEFAULT(设默认值)NO ACTION(无动作,默认的)