wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将“ foreign reserve "自动翻译成 中文 外汇储备 Glosbe Translate 错误 再试一次 Google Translate 类似于 "foreign reserve" 的短语,可翻译成 中文 foreign currency reserve 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves 外汇储备 foreign-exchange reserves 外汇储备 foreign exchange res...
Among them, the emphasis on the adverse effects of an increase in the balance of payments surplus and the resulting accumulation of foreign exchange reserves, the idea of a policy mix aiming for an optimal combination of policies and instruments, and the criticism of the mercantilist view that ...
As a neutral bystander, the Danish Army had no hands-on experience with the introduction of the tank on the battlefields in the First World War. This did not mean that the new weapon was ignored in Denmark. However, post-war budgetary constraints meant that no realistic plans for any ...
We are a member of the International Association of Scientific, Technical, and Medical Publishers (STM) and participate in theSTM permissions guidelines, a reciprocal free exchange of material with other STM publishers. In some cases, this may mean that you don’t need permission to re-use conte...
One of the CIA travel recommendations leaked in a Wikileaks dump (“Classified Advice from the CIA Leaked on How to Travel Like a Spy [Hint: Don’t Fly United]”) was totry to dispose of Euros before returning home. Apparently the record low amount of cash returned to the ...
Foreign exchange reserves (http:\/\/en.wikipedia\/wiki\/Foreign_exchange_reserves" \o "Foreign exchange reserves) Foreign exchange reserves (also called Forex reserves or FX reserves) in a strict sense are only the foreign currency (http:\/...
said he was "disappointed" by media interpretations and comments following the publication by the British newspaper The Guardian of American diplomatic notes revealed by WikiLeaks, which suggested that he had informed the American Consul General in Riyadh that Saudi Arabia's oil reserves had been ove...
外汇储备 For instance, they accumulated foreign reserves, reduced their public debts and adopted less rigid exchange rate regimes. 举例而言,这些国家积累了外汇储备、减少了公共债务,并采取了较为灵活的汇率制度。 wikidata 显示算法生成的翻译 将...
(d)foreign exchange reserves including any potential encumbrances to such foreign exchange reserves as forward contracts or derivatives; d)reservas de divisas, incluidas las posibles cargas de que sean objeto, como contratos de futuros o derivados; Eurlex2019 ...