foreign-exchangereserves 外汇储备() 也可见: foreign exchange名— 外滙名 exchange动— 易动 · 交流动 · 交易所动 · 兑换动 · 对换动 · 互换动 · 调换动 · 换置动 · 替换动 · 串换动 · 转抵动 · 倒腾动 reserves复— 准备金复 ...
foreign exchange reserves_法律行业词汇 外汇储备 foreign exchange reserves 例句 1.There are two simple ways to stop reserves rising. 针对外汇储备增加的问题有两种途径来加以控制。 2.China's foreign exchange reserves have risen considerably. 国家外汇储备大幅度增加。
foreign reserves 外汇准备;外汇存底见foreign exchange reserves. exchange reserves 中央银行所持有的自由兑换外汇准备 相似单词 foreign a. 1.外国的,在本国以外的;从外国来的 2.不属于本身的;无关的,不相干的 3.外来的;异质的 4.涉外的;外交的 5.非典型的;陌生的 6.异物;异体 exchange n. 1. 交换...
foreign currency reserves 【经】 外币准备金 foreign exchange n.外汇,外国籫e certificate 闫 相似单词 foreign a. 1.外国的,在本国以外的;从外国来的 2.不属于本身的;无关的,不相干的 3.外来的;异质的 4.涉外的;外交的 5.非典型的;陌生的 6.异物;异体 exchange n. 1. 交换,互换,交流,掉换 ...
必应词典为您提供Foreign-Exchange-Reserves的释义,n. 外汇准备金; 网络释义: 外汇储备;外汇存底;可自由交换的外汇储备;
中国人民银行10月6日发布的数据显示,截至2019年9月末,中国外汇储备规模为30924亿美元,较年初上升197亿美元,升幅0.6%。8月份外汇储备规模保持在31070亿美元。China had foreign exchange reserves worth $3.0924 trillion on the mainland by the end of September, up 0.6 percent or $19.7 billion from the begin...
Foreign exchange reserves are important to a country's economy. A robust level of foreign reserves reflects robust economic health. When the concept was first introduced a hundred years ago, things in China were quite different. Let's take a look back at the changes in China's foreign ...
foreign exchange reserves 听听怎么读 是什么意思 释义 外汇储备; 学习怎么用 双语例句 There are two simple ways to stop reserves rising. 针对外汇储备增加的问题有两种途径来加以控制。 China's foreign exchange reserves have risen considerably. 国家外汇储备大幅度增加。
foreign exchange reserves英语翻译成中文是什么意思?汉程英汉词典提供foreign exchange reserves的音标、读音、详细意思解释及用法等。
Russia’s foreign exchange reserves are held mostly in U.S. dollars, much like the rest of the world, but the country also keeps some of its reserves in gold. Since gold is a commodity with an underlying value, the risk in relying on gold in the event of a Russian economic decline is...