Swiss Franc (CHF)100864.2000868.5000 Thai Baht (THB)10022.100023.3000 US Dollar (USD)100775.5000778.6000 The exchanges rates above are provided solely for reference purposes. The actual exchange rate for each transaction will be determined by the Bank at the time such transaction is effected and ma...
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Currency Exchange Rate Effective Date : 29/11/2024 Last Updated : 11:45AM CurrencySelling TTSelling CashBuying TTBuying Cash US Dollar 86.1849 86.1849 82.8051 82.8051 Singapore Dollar 64.4955 64.4955 61.6571 61.6571 Australian Dollar 56.3150 56.3150 53.8368 53.8368 Swiss Franc 98.0359 98.0359 93.7215 93.7...
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Key Players of International Currency Rate When talk about the international currency rate, the biggest foreign exchange and exchanging markets the world are in New York, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, and London. Concerning the investment in the foreign exchange market, increasingly...
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