foreign exchange permit 外汇许可证 credit in foreign exchange 外汇信贷 相似单词 foreign a. 1.外国的,在本国以外的;从外国来的 2.不属于本身的;无关的,不相干的 3.外来的;异质的 4.涉外的;外交的 5.非典型的;陌生的 6.异物;异体 management n. 1.[U](企业等的)管理,经营 2.[C](公司﹑ ...|基于11个网页 2. 法律调整 ... 外币折算: foreign exchange conversion法律调整:Foreign Exchange Management外汇管理: Foreign Exchange Manag…|基于 1 个网页 3. 汇兑 教科书:张锦源、康蕙芬,国际金融与汇兑(Foreign Exchange Management)第七版,五南图书出版公司,ISBN:978-957-...
Foreign Exchange Management (Acquisition and Transfer of ImmjyotiEmail thisPrint this
Because of the importance of the role of foreign exchange and money market activities to an international bank, it is imperative that such activities be properly controlled and managed. Not only do the dealing department and the individual dealers need to know their positions or exposures in a ...
foreign exchange exposure management 外汇风险暴露管理 foreign exchange exposure 外汇暴露又称exchange exposure,指在汇率的变动情况下,因拥有外汇资产或负债所可能产生的损益风险而言。可能发生的外汇暴露有三种:(1)外币折算暴露(translation expos exposure to foreign exchange risk 外汇风险暴露指个人或企业所拥有的...
andtosafeguardCentralBankequity.Themanagementofforeignexchange reservesisdefinedbythelegalframeworkembeddedintheCentralBank’sBasicConstitutionalAct, andfollowsbestpracticesandpoliciesinlinewithinternationalrecommendationsinthisfield. Investmentpolicygoverningforeignexchangereservesisrestrictedbylegalandliquidityrequirements. ...
internal exchange settlement andnetexposure foreign exchangevalue protection, etc based on the principle of exposuremanagement. [...] 策略的研究,以敞口管理 為原則,通過業務規劃法、資產負債法、內部結匯、淨敞口外匯保值等舉措降 低本集團外 匯淨 敞口,減少匯率波 動...
Foreign Currency Risk Management Practices in U.S. Multinationals Todays multinational companies face potentially significant economic exposure to changing exchange rates. One way to manage such currency risk is through the use of foreign exchange derivatives. This paper examines how foreign exchange d....
This short text (188 pages) offers a to-the-point overview of the concepts and methods to deal with the foreign exchange risk. The text is written in a user-friendly style and offers plenty of examples about managing (hedging) foreign exchange exposure from the viewpoint of the corporate Tr...
Foreign Exchange Risk Management ForeignExchangeRiskManagement Readings:Chapters8,9and10(p335-352)1 LectureOutline ❖Introductiontoforeignexchangeexposures❖Translationexposure❖Transactionexposure❖Tohedgeornot?❖Hedgingtechniques❖Operatingexposure❖ManagingOperatingexposure 2 TypesofForeignExchangeExposure ...