ForegroundServiceConnectedDevice ForegroundServiceDataSync ForegroundServiceHealth ForegroundServiceLocation ForegroundServiceMediaPlayback ForegroundServiceMediaProcessing ForegroundServiceMediaProjection ForegroundServiceMicrophone ForegroundServicePhoneCall ForegroundServiceRemoteMessaging ForegroundServiceSpecialUse ForegroundServiceSy...
通过ForegroundService获取位置时应用程序崩溃 可能是由于以下原因导致的: 权限问题:应用程序可能没有获取位置信息的权限。在AndroidManifest.xml文件中添加ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION或ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION权限可以解决此问题。 服务生命周期管理问题:ForegroundService是一种在前台运行的服务,用于执行长时间运行的任务。如果服务没...
屬性中對應至 location 的android.R.attr#foregroundServiceType 常數。 C# 複製 [Android.Runtime.Register("FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_LOCATION", ApiSince=29)] [System.Obsolete("This constant will be removed in the future version. Use Android.Content.PM.ForegroundService enum directly instead of this fi...
the service can access location all the time. Otherwise, if the user has granted the ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION or ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION permission to your app, the service has access to location only while the app is running in the foreground (also known as "while-in-use access to location")...
FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_MEDIA_PLAYBACK:用于媒体播放的前台服务类型。适用于需要在后台播放音频或视频的应用程序。相关腾讯云产品推荐:音视频处理服务( FOREGROUND_SERVICE_TYPE_LOCATION:用于位置更新的前台服务类型。适用于需要持续获取设备位置信息的应用程序。相关腾讯云产品推荐:...
I used GeoLocator, When I minimize my application then it works perfectly. I get location data every 200 meters and send it server. bt Problem was when I closed my app than foreground service started but the location data did not get and...
Minimal reproducible example Summary We are experiencing crashes on our React Native app on Android 13 using expo-location. The stack trace (provided below) suggests that the Foregroun...
The service cannot access the microphone or camera. If, on the other hand, your app starts a foreground service while running in the foreground, the service has the following access allowances: If the user has granted theACCESS_BACKGROUND_LOCATIONpermission to your app, the service can access...
Hi Team, I'm using Foreground service in Xamarin Application using for Tracking the location between 9 AM to 6 PM. Starting the Foreground service at 9 AM and stopping at 6PM. Due to this, battery is getting drained. Is there any solution to stop the…