forecast2verb(past tense and past participleforecastorforecasted)[transitive]to make a statement saying what is likely to happen in the future, based on information that is available nowTurnover is forecast to grow 6.7% this year.This year weforecast growthof 30%.forecast thatThe bank’s chief...
(ˈfoːkaːst) –past tense, past participle ˈforecast or ˈforecasted – verb to tell about (something) before it happens. He forecast good weather for the next three days.pronosticar noun a statement about what is going to happen; a prediction. forecasts about the economy.pronóst...
forecast2●●○verb(past tense and past participleforecastorforecasted)[transitive]to make astatementsaying what is likely to happen in the future, based on the information that you have nowSYNpredictRain was forecast for the weekend.forecast (that)The Federal Reserve Bank forecasts that the econom...
“感知,注意”来自14世纪晚期)。相关: Forecasting。 Whether we are to say forecast or forecasted in the past tense & participle depends on whether we regard the verb or the noun as the original from which the other is formed; ... The verb is in fact recorded 150 years earlier than the ...
Whether we are to say forecast or forecasted in the past tense & participle depends on whether we regard the verb or the noun as the original from which the other is formed; ... The verb is in fact recorded 150 years earlier than the noun, & we may therefore thankfully rid ourselves ...
Not as common asbroadcast, the verbforecastis literally, “to cast before.” It is used in the sense of foretelling or predicting, as in foretelling the future. It can also mean “to estimate” or “to imagine beforehand.” Likebroadcast,forecastforms its past tenses without-ed. ...
Whether we are to say forecast or forecasted in the past tense & participle depends on whether we regard the verb or the noun as the original from which the other is formed; ... The verb is in fact recorded 150 years earlier than the noun, & we may therefore thankfully rid ourselves ...
Cast is an irregular verb, and the past tense remains cast, rather than casted. A number of people and usage guides advocate in favor of extending this to other verbs which are formed with -cast at the end, such as broadcast, forecast, and typecast. For example, "broadcast" is the s...
tense after "the weather forecast said(says)"- English Only forum The end of the weather forecast I caught on the radio- English Only forum The weather forecast- English Only forum The weather forecast- English Only forum the weather forecast (was accurate/phrasal verb)- English Only forum ...
dargana [hanow verbel / verb-hanow] langbot The rain is more intense than it was yesterday. The forecast was not true, I think. An glaw yw tynna es dell o de. Nyns o an dhargan gwir, my a dyb. langbot forecast / predict / prophesy dargana PAST SIMPLE TENSE/AMSER ...